Beware the two constitutional amendments on our ballots for the April 2 election.

These constitutional amendments are rooted in disinformation and a lack of consideration of voters and of our hard-working local election administrators.

We need to be certain that amendments like these that were approved by majority votes in a gerrymandered Wisconsin State Legislature do not become enshrined in the state constitution.

Question 1 would prohibit any level of government in the state from applying for or accepting non-government funds or equipment for election administration. In Wisconsin, elections are conducted by local municipalities on shoestring budgets. Grants help municipal clerks pay for equipment, polling place rental, poll workers and supplies that protect our right to vote and make elections run smoothly and securely.

In the 2020 general election, local jurisdictions in 38 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties benefitted from over $10 million in grants from the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL). As reported in Ballotpedia, $316,440 was awarded to municipalities in Rock County.

How long we have to wait in line, how many polling places are open, and how long it takes to get accurate election results depend on having fully-funded and well-run elections. Prohibiting our municipalities from receiving grants to help fund elections doesn’t improve election integrity, it undermines it and discourages voters who have a negative voter experience.

Question 2 would state that that no one other than an election official designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums. In the real world, municipal clerks depend on a whole host of outside experts, volunteers, and community members. Voter education organizations like the League of Women Voters help to ensure that voters are informed about what’s on their ballot, and that they know where and when they can vote.

Depriving our election officials of outside support will make their job of running fair and accurate elections more difficult than it is already.

Vote NO this April on both constitutional amendments.


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